Thursday, April 8, 2010

Work 12: Angkor Again

Last summer I traveled to Cambodia and visited the ruins of the Angkor Empire. A few days of temples and I left with hundreds of photographs. I felt as though I had experienced the ancient city through my viewfinder, and less with my eyes. Visiting Angkor truly is a once in a lifetime event, and a couple of weeks ago I returned for a second round. I wanted to see the temples differently so I decided to shoot Angkor only in black and white. It was a difficult call to make. I popped in a B&W Secure Digital memory card, and committed to a colorless journey. I have not embarked on such a path since graduating college, and thus, sadly, graduating from the darkroom. As soon as I returned home and loaded the images onto my computer, I knew the decision was solid. It has been some time since I have been so pleased with a photo series. Having seen both, I think Angkor has some fine subtle colors to show in the stone and dirt, but B&W is hands down the best for ruins. Here is one of the many passageways in Angkor Wat.

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